This was my second time at CTY, and again, it's been amazing!

Okay, since I'm back from CTY, I'll be doing another session of "The Aftermaths of Camp". I'll group them into biggish categories. (any names are fake, due to privacy)
Class: → Lessons/ Instructor: There were 16 people in total. There were 12 girls and 4 boys. My instructor was a great professor who taught us all the topics well.
→ Classmates (who are not in my hall):
Katherine: She was probably the nicest one in our class (except for Serena of course). So nice. Janet: She reminded me of one of the characters in Arthur. She was pretty cool! Esther: I really liked her. She even told me that I sang really well Ally: She loved playing music on our way to class. It made our travel so much more interesting. Rachel: She was great friends with Ally, and she was nice. Quiet but kind. Thomas: He was really quiet. Benjamin: Good at maths and liked proving things. Luke: He wasn't the best listener, although he was great at learning the algorithm of the rubics cube. David: He was a free soul. I'll just stop at that.
Hall: → RA: Grace was so chill like my former RA in the 2016 CTY camp! → Hallmates: June: She was cool, I mean, this girl loved manga and BlackPINK. So I had the pleasure of listening to her singing Whistle every single day. Lisa: OMG! She was amazing at dancing. When I say amazing, I mean, AMAZING! She choreographed the dance she did during the talent show, and I'm pretty sure she was the same level, maybe even more, than professionals. Ellie: I saw her often because she was Serena's roommate. She did my hair for the talent show and the dances! It turned out so well :) Cassy: My shower buddy! We had small talk in the shower, and actually got really close with her. Willow: She was a really nice Korean girl, but I didn't really get to talk to her. Pauline: She was one of those girly-girls (with her friend Sienna), and we got to know each other during the preparation of the talent show. Jess: Another half-Korean. Sooooo cool. She was chill and a good singer too! Maggie: Never really talked to her. Raina: I never really talked to her too. So I don't know. Lauren: Half Korean, half American. Good at musical singing, and a good friend. Sienna: She was really pretty. Also sang at the Talent show. Brianna: My ROOMMATE! So nice! We slept right after lights-out, and we had a system thing where she went out while I was dressing, and I went out when she was dressing up. We got along very well.
The first two themes were horrible. NEON JUNGLE???? HIPPIES AND ALIENS???? Just HOW are we supposed to dress up? The last one was the most decent one - Masquerade Ball. My friends and I just sat around after a while, though.
Ellie and Lisa were flirting with two boys who did a magic show in the talent show. They even danced together at the masquerade ball!
Talent Show:
I SANG IN THE TALENT SHOW!!!!!!! I SANG 'MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE' BY ADELE IN THE TALENT SHOW!!!!!!! AND IT WAS PERFECT! Everyone took out their phone and did the flashlight thing throughout the whole song! I was so happy. I didn't know they would react so positively.

Activities: They weren't really up to my taste. Except for book club.
Food: Too oily, too salty, too sweet. Breakfast was the best, with fruits and scrambled egg, but lunch and dinner was bad.
Campus: Cute, and quite big, but quite old.
Serena: Yes, of course she has her own category. What did you expect? Although we met a year ago, we greeted each other as if the camp in Stanford just ended, and we were in Seattle right after that. I found out that she was also into danisnotonfire (a.k.a Daniel Howell) and AmazingPhil. So then we talked about Undertale and that's how everything started. The thing is, we had so much in common, that after a while, it was stranger if there was anything different.
Other: There was a boy who looked EXACTLY like another boy from camp last year. So for about 5 days, Serena and I had a conspiracy theory of how they cloned and brainwashed him.