To sum up what the last academic term was like for me, it would be "reaping what I've sowed'. I completed my last internal examination, which was the French IO (speaking exam) and passed on my Big 8 responsibility to the Year 12s. This term being 8 full weeks didn't help with the pressure, either, but I'm just glad it's all over now. I can finally just focus on prepping for the IB exams that are coming soon.
I think that's why I wanted this month's theme to be all about cuteness and repose. Starting from the Monthly Intro page, I carried on the theme of animals onto the first week, then moved on to my monthly (?) dose of flowers and plants. The Week 15 spread was a format I hadn't tried before but it turned out really well, especially after shading them to look like I was really hanging things up. The daisies on Week 16 took a while to get a hang of making it pop out but I was an expert by the end. And as you can probably tell, I am in love with the black and white flowers! I tried to incorporate them onto the grids instead of putting them on the side as decorations.