Happy New Year, everyone! It's already the second day of 2019 and I still can't believe that another year started already. That being said, I've looked through my past blog posts and figured that some changes would make this place even better.

There's no better time than at the the start of the year to set a new schedule and make some changes! So let's get right to it :)
I would like to introduce to you...... (drum roll, please)..... MONTHLY MOMENTS!
For all the confused souls out there, it's just a way to spice up by blog posts so that the contents are always refreshing and enjoyable in an organised manner. These Moments have a theme for each month, which are listed down below:
- January Jumbles --> Complex (and fun!) riddles and puzzles I challenge you to solve!
- February Facts --> Want to know more than your friend? February Facts will help!
- March Movies --> The latest movies (or the ones I loved the most) will be reviewed :)
- April Arts --> I love drawing! I'll post some of my artwork to show you my inner workings.
- May Melodies --> You know what they say, a song a month keeps you alive! (only I say that.)
- June Jabber --> Random thoughts, imagines, useless chatters are all up here.
- July Jokes --> This one's self-explanatory. Or should I say -- (wait, I'm out of jokes..)
- August Automation --> Strange title, but it's all about tech! Get your latest news on tech!
- September Snaps --> I'm a photographer, if I do say so myself. I'll post some for inspiration.
- October Optimism --> What are you grateful for? I can tell you mine first!
- November News --> So much news, but so little time! The headlines are in to help :)
- December Delights --> December is the best, don't you agree? This one's a mystery....
On the last Friday of every month, a post related to the theme of the month will be up :) There may be posts from different months that sound similar to this, but don't worry! More is always better :)
Also, I'm going to send out Monthly Newsletters on the last day of each month. These will include the Featured Posts of the month and a few extra goodies. I promise that they'll be interesting and inspiring, so make sure you subscribe!
Speaking of interesting and inspiring, twice every Saturday from now on is a Book Review of the Week! I'll put the the old review (in the Book of the Week section of my blog) as a new post, and introduce a new book as a replacement.
Another major change is that I have a schedule for my blog updates now! As a high school student, it's hard for me to concentrate on just blogging. So I created a schedule that would balance both my school work and maintaining my blog. I'll try to update my blog every week on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I may be too busy to follow this all the time, but I always have the school breaks to write more :)
I'm glad that things are starting to look a bit clearer. I never want to stop blogging, so I came up with my own system that would help me do everything I wish to do. See you in the next post!