2018 is finally here! There's another 365 days that'll lead to opportunities, which will result in success! Now, to make this come true, I needed a few plans for the year.

Resolutions For 2018
Step out of my comfort zone when making new friends
→ Camps have really changed my mind when it comes to making friends. I sort of had a 'style' of choosing friends, and stuck to it. Of course, that resulted in a few great friends but not so much of a diverse relationship. This year, I'll strive to open up even more and expand my friendship around school. I've learnt that I don't have to be best friends with everyone. There were just some people that I can get acquainted with, and end at that. Less pressure, more relationships.
Read more books!
→ Life seemed to have gotten in the way of my passion for books and reading. Last year, I hardly read more than half the number of books I normally read! I couldn't just let my fire die out. So, with the help of Goodreads and the Reading Challenge Progress Tracker, I'm going to keep a record of all the books I want to read and cross them off my list when I do finish it. 40 books is my target number, so I hope I get around to it. It's not really that big a number when you do the maths. There are 12 months in a year and in one month, I have to read at least 3 books. If we say that the average book is 350 pages long, I'll have to read at least 11 pages a day. Whew! Again, it's doable.
Use a study planner/scheduler to get things done
→ I seemed to love writing down to-do lists and manage my time so I don't drag my homework along till the last minute. But I did figure out that post-it notes aren't really great at keeping all my plans in one place. I'll make a checklist in school, but then I would forget about it, making my plans useless. So I decided to get a study planner in order to keep every schedule I create in place. I don't really know when I'll get one though, but I do like the idea of starting fresh (which is really convenient, seeing as today is the first day of 2018).
Pursue my goals in theatre
→ I've become obsessed with drama and theatre arts after spending a large portion of my time on stage for the upcoming musical. Since I'm thinking about (and pretty much definitely) choosing drama as one of the subjects for IGCSE in year 10, I wanted to make most of my theatrical career in school. I will go to every single audition (or performance opportunity) that is held in school and just give it my best shot. No matter what role I get, I'll be happy, because it's not the part that makes you shine; it's how you perform it that'll get you under the spotlight.
Be active every day!
→ As a student in a school where everyone feels the need that they have to study non-stop in order to achieve high grades, it's pretty hard to stay active. Sure, we have PE lessons every week, but that's just not enough! I've been dying to get out and be physical, but there wasn't enough time for me to juggle studying, my social life, AND get on with some exercise. But this year is going to be different. After the musical ends (I'm not putting it off - practicing for the musical is really hard work!) I'll somehow manage to stay active all the time.
Become a leader of a society
→ One of the things that our school take pride in is the number of different societies and student-led groups that pursue academic goals in and outside of the school subjects. My wish is to create a society (preferably one related to English because I love it so much) and become the leader (or the chair, as our school calls it) of the society! I still haven't decided what I'm going to do, though.