It's that time of year! I'm officially a Year 10 student, with future plans to make and so many new opportunities.

I'm actually quite excited, because we have less subjects to take. For IGCSE, I have to take English (Literature & Language), Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, PSD, PE, Korean Language, and Korean History. For the subjects that I could choose, I decided to take History, Computer Science, and Drama.
At first, I was going to take Double Arts, meaning Drama and Art, but I soon realised that it was going to be a real time consumer. Also, my creative flow seemed to stop whenever I was told to draw something on the spot.
Less subjects mean that I could focus on the remaining few even better. I also didn't have the pressure to be good in every single area.
IGCSE is probably the biggest change in my life, right up there with coming to NLCS Jeju. I really hope that my love for learning continues :)